Jan. - Feb. 2013:

Feb. 28, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 28, 2013:
State No Position,
Else You Get Visit from Speech Inquisition:

"The Ministry of Truth is at it Again,
Targeting "Phobics" Who are Usually Men,
In This "Age of Diversity" We should Find
All Types of Viewpoints from Others' Minds,
But We're in Doublethink, Thoughts Sublimated
For Fear of the Smear as "One Who Hated",
Professional Hate Sniffers are on Witch Hunt
For Offensive Utterances, Spontaneous, Blunt,
So Be Careful on Answering "This-That Position"
You'll get Visit from Self-Appointed Speech Inquisition"
© Alan Watt Feb. 28, 2013

Levels of Reality - Antique Technology - The March Toward Mind Control - Brain-Computer Interfaces - Destruction of Cultures - Cannibal Cop - Savile's Police Friends - Internet Gambling - Green Lobby Loses Public Support - Mexico's Drug Violence - Head of Mexico's Most Powerful Teachers' Union Jailed - Effects of Web Porn - Roaring 20s and "Free Love" - Cases of Untreatable Gonorrhoea Soar - MP David Ward - Hate Laws Trial - Self-Policing - ISPs Ordered to Stop Online Piracy - Pensioners Too Poor to Stop Working.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 28, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

The March Toward Mind Control

British nurse arrested by detectives hunting online mentor to 'cannibal cop'

Savile's Police Friends

Internet Gambling, New Jersey

Vermont Gambling

Green Lobby Loses Public Support

Prosecute the Climate Scientists

Mexico's Drug Violence

Head of Mexico's Most Powerful Teachers' Union Jailed

Web Porn and 15yr.-old Raping 14yr.-old

Cases of Untreatable Gonorrhoea Soar

Frank Stronach (Strohsack) of Magna International Now in Austria to Build a Political Party

Politicians Can't Say Jews when Meaning Jews

Canada's Hate Laws

Limiting Free Speech in Canada

ISPs Ordered to Stop Online Piracy

Plug Pulled on "Unleash Solar" Business in Australia

300,000 UK Pensioners Too Poor to Stop Working

For the Culture Destroyers at Perv. BBC, it's Business as Usual

Feb. 27, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 27, 2013:
Legalists Redefining for Pocket-Lining:
"This is the Age of Legal Malfunction,
Government/Corporate Theft Not Called Corruption,
For as in Past, King's Pronouncements Regal,
Now Made by Politicos to Make Illegal Legal,
But Only for Themselves and Their Masters,
Saving Crime Word for Low-Life Disasters,
U.S. Politicos' Grand Dreams were Fading,
So They Legalized for Themselves Insider Trading,
Lobbyists Greasing Palms will Be Next,
Agile Lawyers will Work Redefining Text,
The Old System's Gone, A Tragic Loss,
In this Feudal Age, You Know Who's the Boss"
© Alan Watt Feb. 27, 2013

Corporate Raiders - Federal Takeover of Retirement Accounts - Democracy - Nigerian President Spends $1 Million of Aid Money on Party - Loans to Third-World Countries - Bono's ONE Foundation - Industrial Cancer Epidemic in China - Eugenics - Screening Prisoners for "Brain Injury" - Weaponized Entertainment - BBC, Sadomasochism and Degradation - UK Benefits Cuts - 'Disabled children cost too much and should be put down' - No Global Warming - Swine Flu Jab and Narcolepsy - Warrantless Surveillance Program - Six Strikes and Out for Illegal Downloads - Purpose of "Charities" and "Family Planning" - John Pilger.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 27, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Feds Want Your Retirement Accounts

Nigerian President Spends $1 Million of Aid Money on Party

Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to charity

Industrial Cancer Epidemic in China

Scotland----Prisoners to be Put on Mood Altering Drugs

For the Culture Destroyers at Perv. BBC, it's Business as Usual

UK---Council Tax Benefits Cuts

'Disabled children cost too much and should be put down'

Prosecute the Climate Scientists

More on Swine Flu Jab and Narcolepsy

Supreme Court and Warrantless Surveillance

& PDF on Above

Six Strikes and Out for Illegal Downloads

ISPs Now Monitoring for Copyright Infringement

John Pilger to Speak at Marxism 2013, March 29th.

Feb. 26, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 26, 2013:
Mediascape is Mainly Fake:
"At Bottom-Level Reality, Life can Be Quite Boring,
With Recycled News, Sets You Off a-Snoring,
Reading the Agenda, You Always Know what's Coming,
Via Media Pundits, Updates Formal or Punning,
Little Bits of Statements Uttered by Elite
Flutter Down from Sky and Litter every Street,
Or Washed, Sanitized 'fore Appearing On the Screen,
Till Fact, Farce and Fantasy All Mix in a Dream,
Psych Warfare is Incessant, Reason is All Shattered,
Casualties are High, Forgetting All that Mattered"
© Alan Watt Feb. 26, 2013

Ethnic Tensions Explode at Minneapolis School - Boy, 9yrs.-old Hanged after Being Bullied for Being of White Minority in English School - John Anthony Hill and Ripple Effect Video - BBC, Inaccurate and Biased Reporting of 9/11 Attack - Hollywood Propaganda, "Argo" movie - Aspartame in Milk - Aerial Spraying - Collapsing Consensus on Global Warming - Club of Rome - Climate Challenge and the Failure of Democracy - Tax-Free Haven of Bermuda - BBC Blacks Out 90 Pages of Savile Report - Lucrative Contracts to Mercenary Firms - Moody's Downgrades Britain - Blackwater - MPs Visiting Sado-Masochistic and Fetish Sites - Negative Interest Rates - Feudal System of China - Gov. Regulation of the Press.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 26, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Ethnic Tensions Explode at Minneapolis School

Boy, 9yrs.-old Hanged after Being Bullied for Being of White Minority in English School

Licence Evader and 9/11

Argo----Another Deliberate Hollywood Misrepresentation of History

Powerful Organizations Lobby to Use Aspartame in Dairy Products

Canadian Petition regarding High Altitude Aerial Spraying

Collapsing Consensus on Global Warming

Over 650 Snow Records set in US this Week

Climate Challenge and the Failure of Democracy

IRS Loophole in Bermuda

BBC Blacks Out 90 Pages of Savile Report

Mercenary firms: a lucrative niche market

Moody's Strips Britain of Top Rating

Most charges dismissed against ex-Blackwater execs

Two former Blackwater Executives Plead Guilty to Weapons Charges

Members of Parliament Using Computers to Visit Sado-Masochistic and Fetish Sites

Negative Interest Rates floated by Tucker of Bank of England

Kidney Trafficking in China

Peace Prize for PM Hollande for Bombing Africa

Police Chief Warns of Danger of Regulating the Press

Feb. 25, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 25, 2013:
In the Land of the Blind and Blunted,
The Sharp One-Eyed Man is Hunted:

"Revolving Kaleidoscope of Madness is Directed
By Behaviourists, Neurologists, Seldom Suspected,
Its Purpose is Destroying One's Faith in the Self,
'cause Reason and Logic is a Sign of Mental Health,
Communication Today is of the Weaponized Kind,
Avalanche of Extraneous Data, Overloads the Mind,
And it's Your Mind They're After, Willing You to Cave,
Never Trust Own-Thought, Be a Programmed Slave,
In Orwell's Novel, Winston is Tortured to the Core,
All for the Right to State Two Plus Two Equals Four"
© Alan Watt Feb. 25, 2013

Monetary System - More Perfected Form of Slavery - Austerity - Taxpayer Subsidies to Big Banks - International Slave Trade and Owners - Hollywood Part of Military-Industrial Complex - Best Propaganda Film Goes to "Zero Dark Thirty" - Promotion of Torture - China's Carbon Tax - US AFRICOM Missions, Troops in Niger - US Energy Security Trust - Freemasonry and Communism, Hammer and Sickle - Effects of GE Corn on Rats - Justice Memo to Confiscate Americans' Firearms - Falling Purchasing Power of Dollar and Pound - Whistleblowers Penalized - Trans-genderism Pushing the Envelope - Creation of Insanity - Saying What Is - Donahue, Talk Shows and Production.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 25, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Denmark Bans Oil And Gas Furnaces in New Homes

Corporate Welfare to Big Banks

Legacies of Slave Ownership

Best Propaganda Film Goes to "Zero Dark Thirty"

China's Carbon Tax

"Dagger Brigade Readies for AFRICOM Missions"

US Troops in Niger

What Is Obama's Energy Security Trust?

Security Trust Equals Massive Carbon Tax

French Communist Party Changes Logo from Hammer And Sickle to Five Pointed Star

Lifetime Feeding Study finds Genetically Engineered Foods Cause Massive Tumours and Organ Failure

Continuing Adventures of Nat. Rothschild

Justice Memo to Confiscate Americans' Firearms

Power of pound in your pocket down by 67%

Whistleblower Nurse Penalized for Being Honest

Trans-genderism Pushing the Envelope

Feb. 22, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 22, 2013:
Schemes Past Have Never Changed,
Simply Updated, Improved, Rearranged:

"Behaviour Modification, So Easy to Train
By Knowing Formulae that Work on the Brain,
Plato, in "The Republic" Told How to Breed
Specialized Workers to Suit Elites' Need,
Tyrannical Guardians would Be Well Protected
By a Military Class Mated, Selected
From a Mixed-Gender Army, Now Sensational,
Birthing Military Fodder, Inter-Generational,
Yet Even Plato Back Yonder couldn't Dream
Of High-Tech Surveillance-on-Society Scheme,
Masses Indoctrinated by Mass Communication,
Though He would Approve without Hesitation"
© Alan Watt Feb. 22, 2013

International Governance - Multiculturalism - Creation of a New Culture for the West - People Set to Default Positions - Crowd Mentality - Individualism - Militarized Police - Training into the New System - Personal Carbon Taxes - The Young Always Used by Tyrants - Population Management - Waste Product Fluoride - Formulas to Change Behaviour - Smart Meters and Rationing Electricity - Cost of Government "Job Placement" - Writings of Plato - Brain-Screening and Mood-Altering Drugs for Prisoners - Internet of Things, Communicating Devices, Brain Alteration.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 22, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Bute Found in Horsemeat for Food Scandal

& Phenylbutazone

Oppose Maryland and "Smart Meters"

& More on Above

U.K.---5 Billion Pounds for Job Schemes Creates only 20 Jobs

Ohio Dr. Raped, Killed and did "Inhumane" Things to Pregnant Mother's Corpse

Scotland----Prisoners to be Put on Mood Altering Drugs

Katerina Jeleva Final Trial for Child Custody


Judge has 90 days from Feb. 21, 2013 to decide on the verdict.

Feb. 21, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 21, 2013:
Monopoly Slogan:
Praise be for Scarcity:

"Our Masters Own the World, Changing
Our Perceptions, Views Rearranging,
So Upcoming Generations Emit No Moans
Nor Care to Know which Corp. Owns
Himself, House, Nation or Region,
The Master of Masters Name is Legion,
Trained in a Much Higher Reality,
His Minions Profit by "Saving Society",
Cornering Markets, for a World "Sustainable",
Making Basics Seem so Unobtainable,
These Psychopathic In-breds Live to Thrive
For Group and Offspring, the "Fittest Survive"
© Alan Watt Feb. 21, 2013

Indoctrination and Default Positions - Psychiatry's Definition of a Normal Citizen - Knowledge of History - Personality Profiling - Politicians' Coded Language - Radical Professors and "Liberalization" of the West - Preparation of the Soil for the Oak Tree - Elite Eugenicists - Benjamin Franklin and Lunar Society - Industrial and Post-Industrial Era - Devaluation of Life - Greenhouse-Grown Food - Over 60s Told To Go Back to University - Firearm Companies Announce Plans Not to Supply Gov. - Heinz Co. and Insider Trading - Hidden Waiting Lists for National Health Service Hospitals - Private Military Contractors - NHS Survey on Children's Drug and Sex habits - Iran, Bankers Sentenced - Retail Store Closures - WHO and World Bank Meeting on Universal Health Coverage.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 21, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Hillary Clinton Charge $200,000 per Speech

Over 60s Told To Go Back to University and Retrain Because Retirement Age is to be Longer

List of Child Sex Offenders Inside the British Government

Firearm Companies Announce Plans Not to Supply Gov. Departments in States Which Deny Citizens the Right to Own Defence Weapons

Heinz Deal Under FBI Investigation

'Hidden waiting lists' used in Scottish NHS

Military's New Era of Corporate Mercenaries

National Health Service Scotland Big Brother Survey on Children's Drug and Sex habits

How Banksters are Treated by Iranian Courts

America's Retail Stores Collapsing

Ministerial meeting on universal health coverage--WHO

WHO, World Bank Meeting On Universal Health Coverage Begins In Geneva

Feb. 20, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 20, 2013:
Fascism's the Name of "Public-Private" Game:
"We've Seen the Rise of the Superclass,
World Managers, CEOs, Confidant yet Crass,
Along with Leaders in "Philanthropy"
Who are More Related to Lycanthropy,
They All have Say in How We Live,
What We Eat, Drink, Taxes We Give,
To All Their Grand Plans, Profitable Schemes,
Public Adapt into "Governance" as in Dreams,
Governments and Corporations Acting Together
Are Called Fascists by the Minions they Tether
In Slavery, with Propaganda's Planned Society,
"To Make Us All Equal", They Lie with Piety,
There's Barely a Reaction from the Populations
Of People Once Active in Affairs of Their Nations,
They Play and Party with Indifference,
Uncomprehending Due to Cognitive Dissonance"
© Alan Watt Feb. 20, 2013

Appearance of "Overpopulation" - Free Trade and Standardized Laws - Australian Senator Deported from Malaysia - Soft Power of NGOs - Miniature Drone Swarms - Desensitization to Killing through Training Scenarios - Income Taxes and Loopholes - Privatization of Power Supply - Maurice Strong - World Order - Rise in Health Insurance Premiums - Authoritarian System - Communications Surveillance - The "Idiot Box" to Spy on Those That Watch - Biotech Industry Propaganda - Brain Activity Map Project - Dr. Persinger and Computer-Brain Interfacing - EPA Scandal - Future Cities and Predictive Programming - Stingray Mobile Tracking Tool Unconstitutional - Barack Obama to receive Israel's presidential medal of distinction - Copper Thieves Rob Detroit Highways.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 20, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Australian Senator Deported from Malaysia

US Air Force Developing Swarms of Tiny Killer Drones

Is Your Local Police Using Pictures of Children and Pregnant Women for Target Practice?

Who Pays Zero Income Tax?

Australia----39% Jump in Fixed Power Supply Fees

Australia----Health Insurance Jump

BAE Systems and Vodafone Join Forces for Mobile Security

The "Idiot Box" to Spy on Those That Watch

Bill Gates Owns 500,000 Shares in Monsanto

Biotech Industry Hiring Celebrities to Promote Modified Food etc..

Brain Activity Map Project

EPA Scandal

How will Future Cities Look?----IBM, Cisco, Siemens and Intel Somehow Got In Charge of it all.

Stingray Mobile Tracking Tool Unconstitutional

Barack Obama to receive Israel's presidential medal of distinction

One Fifth of Detroit's Freeways Not Working due to Copper Thieves

Feb. 19, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 19, 2013:
Their Ties Keep Hidden Their Great Enterprise:
"It Seems the Gov. keeps People Separated
As to How Money is Managed and Created,
Because a Private Group Rules the Cash
Of the World and it Makes a Slow Dash
To Dominate by Instituting Central Banks
Under the B.I.S. which Declines Thanks
And Publicity as They Fulfil Their Plan
Of Enslaving Every Nation, Woman, Man,
Beneath their Planned, Managed Domination
Where Experts Decide what is Your Station
And Purpose, Serving the Great Enterprise,
Kept Silent by Their Media, Trivia, Lies"
© Alan Watt Feb. 19, 2013

Satellite Internet Cut-off. Carroll Quigley and Council on Foreign Relations - Creation of a Standardized World Society - New Feudal System, CEO Overlords - Scientific Tyranny - Cultural Destruction and the Fallout - Control of the Money Supply - Privately Owned Central Banking System under Bank for International Settlements - World Trade Organization and Free Trade - Gold Reserves - Mandell House and Warburgs - World Wars to Create a World Government - Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World - Pharma Labs Part of War Industry. Katerina Jeleva Final Trial for Child Custody. Smart Meters, EMF Radiation and Effects.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 19, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

The Bank for International Settlements---Who Controls the World's Money?

Truth about Smart Meters (Video)

Smart Meters and Electro-Magnetic Radiation

Katerina Jeleva Final Trial for Child Custody

Thursday, February 21

Please call Judge Mary Noonan at 801-764-5820 or the Judge's clerk, Wendy Matheney at 801-724-3820 and ask them to "Make the right decision" and "Do the right thing" regarding Case Number 1065414, BEYER VS. JELEVA.

Judge Mary Noonan's email address:

My satellite feed has been cut off, at 8:45 PM (Feb. 18).
Provider is mystified as to cause?
We'll see what happens tomorrow. Uploading on dial-up right now.

Feb. 18, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 18, 2013:
Their Remedy is Austerity:
"The New World Order is Going All-Out
And Media Unleashes Deluge of Fall-Out,
Unemployment, Poverty, Suicides, Depression,
As the BIS and IMF Teach Peasants a Lesson,
It's Out with the Old, In with the New,
World Totalitarianism Run by the Few,
Big, Big Government Grows Like a Tumour,
"Solving the Problems" They Relay with Humour,
The Solution They Say is More Power to BIS,
And IMF, Raising Inflation, You Get Less and Less"
© Alan Watt Feb. 18, 2013

Gangster Bankers - HSBC and Money Laundering, No Criminal Charges - US Congress - Vaccination Exemption - Mossad Agent Found Dead - Iceland Moves Up in Investment Status - Holland, Euthanasia, Lower Pay for Older Workers - CIA and LGBT - Chicago Police - Earth Charter - NHS Hospital Deaths and Cover-ups - Canada, Telecommunications Bill, World Intelligence Sharing - Immigration from India into Britain - Gender-Neutral Public Toilets - "Hygiene" Rules for Childcare - Services become Authorities - Bill Gates, Monsanto and GM Food - Television Spying - Berlusconi, "Bribes are Necessary" - US to Pay for African Internet.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 18, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Gangster Bankers---Too Big to Fail

Who Runs the US

US Vaccination Exemption Forms

Mossad Agent Dead in Israeli Cell

Iceland Moves Up in Investment Status

Dutch Considering Pay Cuts for Older Workers

Plebeians' Respond to Big Brother and Banker Cabal

CIA is a Corporate Sponsor of LGBT Conference

Chicago Police Stop Immediate Responses to Burglaries and Theft

Earth Charter to Become "New Ten Commandments" says Maurice Strong

British National Health Service and Pay-Offs to Officials to Keep Quiet

Berlusconi, "Bribes are Necessary"

Food Stamps USA

Canada Cans Net Surveillance Law

British PM---In Speech on Indian Student Applications, "No Limit on Coming to UK and Staying"

& More on Above

Brighton Council Declares No Genders Exist in Brighton

Children Banned from Blowing Out Candles on Birthday Cake--Australia

Bill Gates Owns 500,000 Shares in Monsanto

The "Idiot Box" to Spy on Those That Watch

US to Pay for African Internet

More Economy Related Suicides in Spain

Dershowitz Wants to Pick the Pope

Feb. 15, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 15, 2013:
Social Norms and Environmental Challenges,
Ehrlich et al To Brainwash We Primitive Savages:

"I Wonder How Many People will Read and Resent
Governments Moving without Public Consent
On Environment, Population, Things Ecological,
Using Media Blitzes and Techniques Psychological,
Ehrlich, Put Out by Foundations as the Saviour,
Wants Scientists to Control Peoples' Behaviour,
For Governments to Become Authoritarian, Formal,
While Mind Controllers Change the Social Normal,
Taxing with Penalties, Fines and Fees,
Training the Peasants Not to Live as They Please,
Behaviour Modification for Privilege of Living,
Heating Homes in Winter, Breathing is Sinning,
More Propaganda Embedded in Movies and Dramas,
Surviving Winters, You'll Need More than Pajamas,
Coercive Techniques, Punishments Never Relaxing,
Exhaling CO2 to Be Conquered by Heavily Taxing"
© Alan Watt Feb. 15, 2013

Parallel Government of Tax-Free Foundations - Club of Rome - Paul Ehrlich - Depopulation/Greening Agenda - Social Engineering on Environmental Issues - Public Conditioned to Listen to "Stars" - Penalties and Propaganda to Alter Behaviour - Authoritarianism - Surveilled Society, No Privacy - International Corporations and Opium Trade - OSS at Chatham House - Personality Profiling - "RIOT" Spyware for Social Networks - GMO Vaccines - Canada, Zombie Preparedness - Merck Researcher Admits Gardasil Guards against Nothing - IBM Wins Smart-Meter Deal in Ontario - Elimination of Domestic Animals.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 15, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Paul Ehrlich and Other "Ecologists" Urge Government to Move Beyond Existent Levels of Public Permission to Radically Alter Human Behaviour

Methods to Alter the Herd's Behaviour

Minority Report---Big Brother Spyware Predicting Future Crime

& More on Above

First Two Deaths in GMO Vaccine Flu Trial

Appalling Lack of Zombie Preparedness in the Great White North

& Video on Above

Merck Researcher Admits Gardasil Guards against Nothing

Wonders of Gardasil--Listen to a Victim

Australian Teenage Boys to be Given Cervical Cancer Vaccine Even though They Don't Have a Cervix

IBM Wins Smart-Meter Deal in Ontario

IESO Selects IBM to Operate Ontario's Smart Meter Data Management and Repository System

& More on Above

Horse Meat Consumption ban Lifted in US in 2011

Your Roast Beef Made with Scraps Glued Together

Feb. 14, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 14, 2013:
Sanity is Evading Upgrading:
"Daily Conditioning Makes it Hard to Think,
Scientific Propaganda Makes Own-Thought Sink,
Behaviourism and Neuroscience Rule Today,
Very Few Think Critically, Have Much to Say,
Standardized Behaviour, Beliefs, Opinions
Via Entertainment, Or News for the Minions,
A One-Hour Documentary can Reverse Your View,
Using Techniques of Persuasion Known to Few,
Utilizing Guilt, Envy, Selective Fact Sways
And Standardizes Opinion says Edward Bernays"
© Alan Watt Feb. 14, 2013

RIIA-CFR and Members - Mental Health Treatment Funding for Members of Parliament - Standardized News - A Different System in the U.S. - Multiculturalism - Cultural Change through Entertainment - Militarization of Police - Creation of "Stars" - H.G. Wells - Elites' View of the Human Herd - Debasement of the Elderly - Police Opened Fire on Wrong Van ("Mistaken Identity") in Dorner Case - Judge Dredd - Cap on Cost of Care Will Cost Pensioners their Homes - IBM and Smart Cities - US Military in Africa - Posting Action Man Toy on Facebook Gets Man Stormtroopered - Medical Treatment according to Age and Importance - Cashless Society - British and American Flags and Color Coding - Egyptian Pharaohs, Cleopatra and Ptolemy - Freemasonry.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 14, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Mental Health Treatment Funding for Members of Parliament

Police Gave No Warning as they Opened Fire on Wrong Van in Dorner Case

Cap on Cost of Care Will Cost Pensioners their Homes

Elderly?---Need Healthcare?---Gov. to Introduce Inheritance Tax Freeze

IBM Report--Smart Cities--Glasgow

AAR Extends Contract for US Military Services to Africa

Posting Action Man Toy on Facebook Gets Man Stormtroopered

Ambulance Pick-Ups May Depend on Age and Social Standing

Australia Embraces Cashless System

Feb. 13, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 13, 2013:
The Trained Slave will Behave:
"The Push is On via Media's Dialectics,
For the Urgent Need of I.D. Biometrics,
Pentagon, Intelligence, Police in the Throng,
Updating Your Profile Courtesy Raytheon,
You Twitter and Tweet, Merrily Indulging,
Without a Thought of What You're Divulging,
Trained to Be Happy, Privacy-Free Slaves,
The Dream of Tyrants, Dictators, Knaves,
And Slaves Give it Freely, Never-a-Mind,
As Long as Spying's Unobtrusive, Silent Kind,
They Know from Prattle Who's Sick, Infertile,
For Population Studies, Checking Who's Sterile,
Are You Ticked as "Safe", Go With the Flow,
Politically Correct, Ensuring You don't Know?
In this Age of Universal Deceit,
Telling Truth's Revolutionary, Dangerous yet Neat"
© Alan Watt Feb. 13, 2013

Disinformation and Spins on Truth - World Co-ordination - Attack on Syria - US Mass Migration Exercise in Caribbean - Depopulation Agenda - Biowarfare, Sterility and Disease - US Fertility Rate Plummets - Rise in Immigration - Personal Carbon Taxes - Medical-Monitoring RFID Tattoo - Social Network Tracking - Feinstein, Intelligence Committee and Drone Attacks - Putin Buying Gold - New Medal for Drone Operators - Smartphone Biometric Scanning - Spyware to Predict Future Crime - Expert Says "Combat Terrorism with Highly Drastic Population Control".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 13, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

White House Gave Green Light for Israel's Attack on Syria

US Training for Mass Migration on Caribbean Security Drill

US Fertility Rate Plummets

Fertility and Immigration---US

Obama----State of the Union Transcript

Tattoo---Make it Trendy then RFID it

Minority Report---Big Brother Spyware Predicting Future Crime

& More on Above

Feinstein Says Her Committee Reviews Drone Attacks

Russia to Introduce Biometric ID Cards in 2015

Putin Buying Gold

Pentagon Creates New Medal for Drone Operators and Cyber Warriors

Pentagon Signs Deal for Smartphone Tool that Scans Your Eyes, Face, Thumbprints

The Company with the Contract

Drone Industry Claims Lives May Have Been Saved if they Had a Free Hand in Using Drones in Dorner Case

Dorner---Video of Takedown

Dorner's Last Stand

Rule by Executive Powers

Expert Says "Combat Terrorism With Highly Drastic Population Control"

& Foreign Policy Article

& More on Above

Humans = Locusts

Feb. 12, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 12, 2013:
Taxonomy of Superclass who Rule by Conology:
"All Tyrannies Turn on Public, Imprisonment and Slaughter,
Using Propaganda of Rapist, "Wants to Help Your Daughter",
To Fulfil Dictates of Agenda Twenty-One,
They'll Condemn Your Home "Unhealthy" and It has Begun,
It's the Art of Conology, Government Always Lies,
Using Caring Terminology so Everyone Complies,
Gov. Exists to Serve the World Superclass
Who View Chaos They've Created via One-Way Glass,
Modern Elite Live a Lifestyle Beyond Imagination,
Living Off the Human Herd by Massive Taxation,
Ultra-Rich Truly See Themselves as an Evolved Species,
As They Marry within Their Class Often with Their Nieces"
© Alan Watt Feb. 12, 2013

Use of Computers to Predict Future Criminal Behaviour - Obama's Kill List Expands to "Domestic Extremists" - Club of Rome - Authoritarian System - Rule by Executive Powers - US "Healthy Home" Project, Home Inspections - NHS Hospital Death Rate Increasing - Failed States - Creation of Division and Dysfunction in Society - Gardasil Destroys Girl's Ovaries? - Toxicity of Aluminum Adjuvant for Vaccines - Post Vaccine Autoimmune Syndrome Caused by Adjuvants - Former Expert on 9/11 Fraud Dead with Family.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 12, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Computer Predicts Future Criminal Behaviour

Obama's Kill List Expands to "Domestic Extremists"

Rule by Executive Powers

US Healthy Home Project and Strategy for Action

& More on Above

More British National Health Deaths to be Investigated

Gardasil Destroys Girl's Ovaries?

Aluminum Adjuvant for Vaccines---Risks Clarified

Post Vaccine Autoimmune (Auto-Inflammatory) Syndrome Caused by Adjuvant Stimulus

Fraud in Vaccine Result Studies

9/11 Researcher Found Dead

Former Expert on 9/11 Fraud Dead with Family

Hundreds of Afghan Children Killed by US Over Last Four Years

NATO rejects Report on Afghan Child Killings

Feb. 11, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
Due to freezing rain and an ice storm telephone lines are shorting.
RBN Replaying the February 1st Show.

Feb. 8, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 8, 2013:
Cultural Mutations by Foundations:
"There's a Hidden Hand, Guiding all Direction,
It's Powerful, Wealthy, Yet Evades Detection,
To Tie it Together, Lift the Veil,
Follow Associations of the Money Trail,
Foundations Each Year Give Out Billions
To Their Armies of NGO Minions,
Their Think-Tanks Advise All V.I.P.s
On Foreign Policy and They also Grease
Palms of Politicos by Incessant Lobbying
To Ensure the Agenda is Pushed, Following
Agenda 21, Sustainable Development,
So Rich get Richer, Poor get Dishevelment,
They Drag Up Policies from their Deep Cellar,
Dig in to the History of Rockefeller"
© Alan Watt Feb. 8, 2013

Final Court Decision on Katerina Jeleva's Battle for Her Son. Merck, Falsified Mumps Vaccine Test Data and False Claims - Mandated Vaccinations and Disease. Biometric ID in China - American Senators Push Biometric ID - Iris Recognition - Canada, Biometrics for Foreign Nationals - Microchip Your Dog or 500 Pounds Fine - Bird Culls - Elimination of Meat - EU Rules on Fishing and Quotas - Facebook Mobile Tracking of Users - Genetic Roulette - Elimination of Private Property - Privatization of Postal Service - Rockefeller Brothers Fund - World Council of Churches - 7yr.-old Boy Suspended for Throwing an Imaginary Hand-Grenade.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 8, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Final Court Decision on Katerina Jeleva's Battle for Her Son

Merck Vaccine Fraud Exposed

Vaccine Scandal

China and Biometric ID

& More on Above

American Senators Push Biometric ID

& More on Above

Canada and Biometric Data for Certain Foreign Nationals

US States Pushing for Assisted Suicide

First Chip the Dogs, then-----

Microchip Your Dog or 500 Pounds Fine

The EU Soviet and How it Makes Rules by the Day

European Parliament Cut Back Fishing Quotas

Facebook's Mobile Tracking App.

Genetic Roulette, Gambling with Our Lives

More People in England are Renting Homes

How Amazon Could save the US Postal Office

Rockefeller Bros. Fund---Buying Off Evangelicals, Mayors, Governors---for the Earth

7yr.-old Boy Suspended for Throwing an Imaginary Hand-Grenade

The Dismantling of Poland's Culture

Katerina Jeleva Final Trial for Child Custody

Thursday, February 21

Please call Judge Mary Noonan at 801-764-5820 or the Judge's clerk, Wendy Matheney at 801-724-3820 and ask them to "Make the right decision" and "Do the right thing" regarding Case Number 1065414, BEYER VS. JELEVA.

Final Court Decision on Katerina Jeleva's Battle for Her Son

Judge Mary Noonan's email address:

Feb. 7, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 7, 2013:
War is the Name of the Game,
Psychiatry's Job is to Drive You Insane:

"We Live in a Time of Ego and Vanity,
Elites' Neuroscientists Bring Us Insanity,
Paedophilic Rapist, Before We'd have Kicked Him,
Is Now Portrayed as the Long-Suffering Victim,
You See, It's All Down to "Sexual Preference",
Acts of this Kind Exude Malodorous Effervescence,
But Under New Laws You can't Be Offended,
If He can't Help it, It's What Nature Intended,
In Other Words, If it Occurs in Nature, It's Normal,
Say Psychiatrists, Straight-Faced, Formal,
At Those PC Adapted, Don't Get Annoyed,
Watch the Fools Smile as Culture's Destroyed"
© Alan Watt Feb. 7, 2013

Cultural Warfare - Paedophile Barrister Court Case - Policy of Multiculturalism and Immigration - World Revolution - Al Gore and Maurice Strong Rake In the Cash from Carbon Con - New Religion Based on a Form of Earth Worship - Farce of Democracy - Pro-EU Propaganda Blitz before EU Elections - US Fracking Production Exported - Chinese Official of One Child Policy Kills Baby - Full-Scale Invasion of Africa - Wars for Resource Takeover - Preparations Made for Trouble in U.S..
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 7, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Paedophile Lawyer Awarded Lump Sum Because his Case Caused Distress, Taking Too Long to Come to Court

Native American Has His Say on Illegal Immigration

Cry Wolf, then Cash in on the Pelts---How Al Gore and Maurice Strong Rake In the Cash from Carbon Con

EU to Set Up for Massive Pro-EU Propaganda Blitz

EU Gov. to Regulate Internet Search Engines and Have Government Authorized Journalists

US Leads in Fracking

Obama on Taxes

Office Charged to Closing Guantanamo is Closed

Chinese Official of One Child Policy Kills Baby

German Labour Office Sends Teen to Work in Brothel

French Troops in Africa

John Pilger, "The Full-scale Invasion of Africa is Underway"

Feb. 6, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 6, 2013:
Neo-Feudalism, Destroyer of Optimism:
"America's Neo-Feudalism, The Great Transition,
Yet Most are Oblivious to the Changed Position,
Their Reality is by Fiction, Tinged with "News",
Expertly Presented, Creating Uniform Views,
War has Many Facets, You will Find,
Hard, Soft, Economic and War on the Mind,
Latter's Imperative for Young's Indoctrination,
Goes on for Years, Called Education,
Constantly Upgrading Today's Correct or Wrong,
So No Reaction as Country is Sold for a Song"
© Alan Watt Feb. 6, 2013

Scientific Indoctrination - Communism and Disarmament - Sandy Hook Public Hearing - The Mass Man - Government Borrowing "More Than Expected" - US Post Office - The Acne Pill Contraceptive and Blood Clots - Argentina, Soaring Inflation - National Health Service and "Care" System - Spielberg's Lincoln Movie, Bogus History - Plato's Cave - Second Amendment - Omnibus Bills - The Age of Neo-Feudalism, Two-Tiered Legal System, Corporate Rule, Lobbying and Fundraising - Depopulation in India - Brothel Chain Owner to Set Up in Toronto - Monitoring of All Internet Traffic.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 6, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Sandy Hook Father Says Pending Gun Laws are Asinine and he Affirms Right to Own Arms

Sandy Hook Dad Doesn't Blame Assault Weapons

UK Will Borrow 64 Billion Pounds More Than Expected

US to End Saturday Postal Delivery

The Acne Pill Contraceptive and Blood Clots

Argentina Freezes Supermarket Prices---Soaring Inflation

81yr.-old Woman Starved to Death When Care System Closed--Britain

Another Big Lie In Spielberg's Lincoln Movie

Bruce Willis---"Don't Infringe on Second Amendment Rights"

Same Gender Marriage Bill Contained Within Building Regulations Bill

The Age of Neo-Feudalism---Government of the Rich, by the Rich, and for the Corporations

Sterilizing India's Poor

Brothel Chain Owner to Set Up in Toronto

UK Gov. agencies Plans to Install Black Box Spy Devices to Monitor All British Internet Traffic --Which it already Does with Other Gadgetry

NY Medicaid Execs Highly Paid

Feb. 5, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 5, 2013:
Cause and Effect, Funded by Elect:
"Britain, Politically Correct, Passes Same-Gender Marriage,
Londoners Can Now Applaud Two Queens in a Carriage,
With Threats of Losing Funding, Boy Scouts Caved-In,
Allowing Homosexual Scout Leaders, Old Charter in the Bin,
The Fashion Industry's Happy for a Well-Funded Minority
To Change Staid Dressing Habits of the Male Majority,
You'd Swear There is a War to Change All that Was,
Wrecked Families, Gender Change, Who Benefits this Cause?
Part of Destroying National Cultures, That's the Clue,
Read Articles by the Frankfurt School, Rule by the Few,
Then You'll Understand Promotion and Fuss over Sodomy
And Attacks on Tradition, in the New "Divine Comedy""
© Alan Watt Feb. 5, 2013

Government-Funded Radical Change - Drugging of Children - Marxism and Multimillionaires - Arctic Ice Growth Breaks Records - Drone Strikes on Americans - Smart Meters, Spying in the Home and Bombardment with Microwave Energy, Electricity Cut-offs - Amusement Park in Abbottabad - Climate Change "Heretic" David Bellamy - Political Mercantilism - Privatization of Infrastructure - Countries Involved in Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition - Cost of Obamacare Plans and Penalties - Total Destruction of Cultures - Dr. Judith Reisman - Soviet EU - Same Gender Marriage Approved by Parliament - Indoctrination and Behavioural Health Assessments.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 5, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Climate Sensitivity Overstated

Arctic Ice Growth Blows Away All Records

Justice Department Memo --Legal Case for Drone Strikes on Americans

& More on Above

Opposing Smart Meter Installation gets Two Arrested

Government Plans Amusement Park on the Site Where Osama Supposedly Was Killed

David Bellamy Invited to Air His Non-Warming Views at Buckingham Palace

Steven Chu Leaves Position as Environmental Sec.

Political Mercantilism

Britain---Water Bills to Increase

Countries that Gave Support to US Rendition

Ireland Supported CIA and Rendition

Extraordinary Rendition---Globalizing Torture

Retired US Colonel Says US has Turned its Back on Geneva Convention

Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 per Family

Boy Scouts Flirtation with Dishonor and Destruction

Dr. Judith Reisman Videos

Similarities between old Soviet and New EU

Same Gender Marriage Approved by Parliament

& More on Above

Senate Bill 374 Requires Home-Schooled Children to Receive a Behavioural Health Assessment

Chinese Official of One Child Policy Kills Baby

Feb. 4, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 4, 2013:
Name Change can Disguise the Lies:
"Tolerance, Mantra of the Camouflaged Liberal,
He's Always Offended because He's Miserable,
Yet When in Power He will Never Compromise,
"My Way or the Highway" Exposes All His Lies,
He has a Secret Plan, Detailed and Simplistic,
He was More Open When Called Communistic,
He Brings the World Chaos, Debt and Taxation,
Forces Mass Immigration, Cause of Vexation,
Causes War Between Genders, Child and Parent,
Dreams of World Domination Make Him Impatient,
His Fantasy is a World Run by Priestly Experts,
Dictatorial, Neo-Marxist, Fashionable, Perverts"
© Alan Watt Feb. 4, 2013

Promotion of Pre-Pubertal and Intergenerational Sex - Jimmy Savile and Corruption in Police Force - Police Spies Stole and Used Identities of Dead Children - Devaluation of Life - Canada, Investigation into Post-Abortion Killings - Polish Court Rejects Call to Remove Crucifix from Parliament - Bill Gates, Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger - Man with Fourth Amendment on Chest Sues TSA - Royal Institute of International Affairs - Biden on Global Security - UK Gov. to Log Patients' Drinking Habits and Waist Size - Garages to be Homes of Near Future.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 4, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Californian School Closes after Parents Learn 5yr.-olds Performed Oral Sex on Each Other

Police Demand More Money to Probe Savile

Jimmy Savile and Corruption in Police Force

Police Spies Stole and Used Identities of Dead Children

RCMP Asked to Investigate Post-Abortion Killings

Polish Court Rejects Call to Remove Crucifix from Parliament

The Money, Power and Insanity of Bill Gates

Man with Fourth Amendment on Chest Sues TSA

Biden on Global Security

Climate Sensitivity Overstated

Big Bro. Britain---Doctors to Notify Gov. as to Patients' Drinking Habits and Waist Size

Former CEO of Playboy Blames Climate Change for Chicago's Murder Rate

Dr. Judith Reisman---Truth on Porn, Kinsey Institute etc.

Austere UK---Garages to be Homes of Near Future

Feb. 1, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 1, 2013:
Praise TV, Helps Blind to See,
After The Mind is Made Blind:

"We Should All Kneel and Praise the TV
For Creating Converts, Helping Blind to See
And Think and Mimic Flashes of Fiction,
More Persuasive than Orator's Superior Diction,
Bending Truth or Through Fascinating Mysteries,
It Destroys Facts, Inventing New Histories,
For Freeing Us All from London to Laos,
Destroying Families, Cultures, Bringing Chaos,
For Using the Change-Agents' Predilection
Of Promoting Sexuality into Addiction,
For Creating Millions of Unwed Mothers
Supported Through Taxes 'cos We're All Brothers,
For Creating Jobs for Abortion Quacks,
Who are Living High Off Our Tax,
For Creating Big Gov. to Deal with Fallout,
By Borrowing, Taxing, It Goes All-Out,
Praise to the Victors Who Profit and Pander
From Their Cultural Wars Using Propaganda"
© Alan Watt Feb. 1, 2013

Obamacare, Independent Payment Advisory Board, Death Panels and Rationing Care - Archbishop Williams of Anglican Church - Jewish Law Trumps English Family Court Law - Eugenics - Israel's Sterilization of Ethiopian Jews - Young Adults and Hook-up Culture - Oprah Network Promoting Porn, Sadomasochism, Torture - Brainwashing through Television - Saxe-Coburg Moving Back to Bulgaria - Mumps Outbreak in Previously Vaccinated Children - Libor Lies - Nietzsche Goes to Hollywood - Culture Industry.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 1, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Obamacare Having Trouble Recruiting "Experts" for Death Panel

Are Zionists Calling the Shots in the Anglican Church?

Jewish Law Trumps English Family Court Law

Jewish Input into Changing Catholic Doctrine for Vatican II

Israel's Mandated Eugenics Program Against Ethiopian Jews

Were Ethiopian Women Forced into Contraception?

Israel Admits Birth Control Program for Ethiopians

Young Adults and Hook-up Culture

& More on Above

Oprah Promoting Torture and Sexual Violence

& More on Above

Population Control Propagandist says "We Get Very Little Opposition from the Public"

Old Deposed Bulgarian Saxe-Coburg Moving Back to Bulgaria

5yr.-old Gets Herpes Zoster after Chickenpox Vaccination

Mumps Outbreak in Previously Vaccinated Children

& More on Above

Libor Lies Revealed in Rigging of $300 Trillion Benchmark

Nietzsche Goes to Hollywood

Mandating the Gelding of Man

EU Gov. to Regulate Internet Search Engines and Have Government Authorized Journalists

Jan. 31, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 31, 2013:
Elite Cry, "Hurry up and Die":
"Oh How We've Been Manoeuvred into the Trap,
Been Brainwashed, Plundered, Nothing Left to Tap,
Immigration, Austerity, Nothing Seems to Function,
Dominant Elite Call this Phase Creative Destruction,
All Their Ethnic Enemies Diluted in the Process,
Indoctrinated Children are Taught this is Progress,
And the Great Human Herd is Told They're the Problem
By Bioethicists' Diatribes on Ways to Solve Them,
We're Not Efficient, Old Take Too Long to Die,
Detracts from Masters' Profit, Euthanize They Cry"
© Alan Watt Jan. 31, 2013

US Military Bases Worldwide, New Drone Base in Niger - "Devolution" in Britain - England, Council Taxes Rising - The State-Owned Bank of North Dakota - Test-Bed of Scotland - Scottish Government Proposes Licensing Airguns - Technique of Stampeding the Herd - New Spy Drone - Tony Blair and Open Immigration Policy - Gov. Agencies Spying on Cloud Computing Data - New DNA Marker Gun - EU to Send Food to Ireland - Federal Plan to Kill Barred Owls to Save Spotted Owls - Eugenics - Water Fluoridation - Inspect Spy Drones - Israeli Air Attack on Syria - War Agenda in Middle East - Orwell's 1984 - Charles Galton Darwin - Big Ideas - Greening and "Sustainability".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 31, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Article from 2011---"A US Base in Africa"

US to Open Drone Base in West African State

England--Poorest families to be Hit with High Council Taxes

Who Owns the Fed?

The State-Owned Bank of North Dakota

Scottish Government Proposes Licensing Airguns

ARGUS drone spots you from 20,000 feet with camera-phone sensors

Tony Blair Given Award from Poland for Helping Thousands to live in Britain

Personal info Stored on "Cloud" spied on Routinely by US Authorities

New Gun Allows Cops to Tag DNA Marker on Runaways

EU to Send Food to Ireland

US Fish and Wildlife Service to Kill Barred Owls to Save Spotted Owls

Windsor Ontario to End 51yrs. of Water Fluoridation

Human Brain Project

& More on Above

Glasgow to Become "Smart City"

Viruses Vaccines and Cancer

Insect Spy Drone

Israeli Air Attack in Syria

Russia Slams Israeli Attack on Syria

Russia Concern at Israeli Air Strike on Syria

Iran Condemns Israeli Air Strike

Jan. 30, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
Due to freezing rain and an ice storm telephone lines are shorting.
RBN Replaying the January 22nd Show.

Jan. 29, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 29, 2013:
France's Debt, Gastronomic and Economic:
"Whole Middle East is Torn Asunder,
Yet Nations are Hungry for More Plunder,
Now Mali is Bombed by the French
Whose National Debt is Hard to Quench,
Bankrupt Britain is also Involved,
Their Perpetual Debt is Never Solved,
The Public Pays for Military Operations
The Loot Goes to Private Corporations,
For Hundreds of Years Wars went Wild
Paying Off Debt to the Family Rothschild"
© Alan Watt Jan. 29, 2013

Royal Institute for International Affairs - Rothschild Family, Lending to Nations - False Story of Explosion in Iran - Google Faces UK Class-Action Lawsuit - War in Mali, Involvement of France and U.S. - Takedown Strategy - Israel Admits Birth Control Program for Ethiopians - US Backed Plan to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria - UK Troop Abuse of Iraqis Systemic - France's President Afraid of Own Military - Corporations Masquerading as Governments - U.S. Constitution - France is Totally Bankrupt - Latin American and Caribbean Bloc - Stores Closing in Britain - "Personal Defense" Weapons - "Up and Coming" China - The Fugu Plan.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 29, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Family Values---Baron Benjamin de Rothschild

Israeli Officials Peddle False Story of Explosion in Iran

Google Faces UK Class-Action Lawsuit

Mali---Africa's Afghanistan

Were Ethiopian Women Forced into Contraception?

Israel Admits Birth Control Program for Ethiopians

US Backed Plan to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria and Blame it on Assad

UK Troop Abuse of Iraqis Systemic

France's President Afraid of Own Military

Are Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia and World-Wide?

CBS---"Let's Give Up on the Constitution"

France is Totally Bankrupt

Davos Calls for $14 Trillion for "Greening Global Economy"

Cuba's Raul Castro now President of Latin American and Caribbean Bloc

Carbon Prices Crash

Britain's Retailers go Under

When DHS buys "Assault" Rifles, they call them "Personal Defense" Rifles

Finishing School for "Emerging" Economies

Britain's Deepening Involvement with Mali

Oh, to be Jewish in China

Jan. 28, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 28, 2013:
Planned Change uses Fear to Rearrange:
"Society's Suitably Wrecked, But Not Down for Count,
So Masters Turn Up Fear Level, Just Watch it Mount,
Impending Economic Collapse, Terrorism Everywhere,
Brought to You by Reality Inc. Deep within Their Lair,
When the Sky is Falling, Planned Change is Speedy,
Using Real or Fake Crises Works on Timid and Needy,
Like a Boxer being Hammered it's Hard to Keep Footing
Under Tidal Wave of Taxes while Banks are Still Looting,
Psychological Warfare Over Many Generations
Turned Public into Slaves, Ended All the Nations"
© Alan Watt Jan. 28, 2013

Vaccinations and Effects - Tests with the Hela Tumour - Whooping Cough Outbreak Involved 90% of Vaccinated Children - Mobile Phones Altering Behaviour - Toxic Gene in Genetically-Modified Crops - Population Control Groups - Mankind "A Plague on the Planet" - Dehumanization Process - Plans to Make Scotland a World Leader in Foreign Aid - Pandemic Bird Flu Virus Creation - Satanic Temple Rally - Police Diversity Recruitment - Politicized Science - "Social Consequences of Conspiracism" - Diane Feinstein and Insider Trading. Elimination of Peoples who would Not "Fit in" to Commercial System - Genocide through Smallpox Transmission. Behaviour Changed by Surveillance.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 28, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Whooping Cough Outbreak Involved 90% of Vaccinated Children

Mobile Phones Alter Human Behaviour and Interaction with Surroundings

Toxic Gene in GM Crops

Humans = Locusts

Another BBC Presenter Charged with Rape

Scotland and Foreign Aid

Scientist to Go Ahead and Mutate Bird Flu into Killer

Satanic Temple to Open in New York

UK Calls for Police Diversity Recruitment

Conspiracy Theories Decrease Your Involvement in Politics and You Neglect Carbon Footprint

Former Aide to Blair arrested over Child Porn

Feinstein---Insider Trader, War Profiteer

Feinstein and Husband Blum's Scandals

US---Unlocking Cellphones Now Illegal

Who Can Fly Drones in UK?

Spy Agency Wants Power to Hack into and Infect Personal Computers

Katerina Jeleva Final Trial for Child Custody

Thursday, February 21

Please call Judge Mary Noonan at 801-764-5820 or the Judge's clerk, Wendy Matheney at 801-724-3820 and ask them to "Make the right decision" and "Do the right thing" regarding Case Number 1065414, BEYER VS. JELEVA.

More about Katerina's case

Judge Mary Noonan's email address:

Jan. 25, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 25, 2013:
Complete Subjugation from Procrastination:
"The Great Magi Cast Spell After Spell,
Ensuring the Manifestation of Our Hell,
Chessboard is Theirs, Minions They Direct,
Destroying a World They Say Left Imperfect,
And Out of its Ashes Comes Natural Order,
A Globe Dominated without any Border,
The "Proper People" Steering the Course
Of the Vast Subjugated, Howling Remorse
For Freedoms Lost, Yet They went Along,
Leaving Others to Direct the Throng
Into Fanaticism, Marx's Great Ideal,
Now All are Condemned, There's No Appeal"
© Alan Watt Jan. 25, 2013

Communist Pierre Trudeau - Scientific Dictatorship - Utopia of a Robotic Society - Google and Passwords - Henry Kissinger - Toxic Water on US Military Base - Archival of All Twitter Messages - Planned Bank Crash and Bailouts - Barclays and Libor-Fixing Scandal - Prototype of Big Brother Britain - UK Laws on Power of Entry - Communist Party USA Backs Obama - British MP Condemned for Criticizing Israel - Institutionalization of "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" - EU Carbon Price Crash - Info on Katerina Jeleva Final Trial for Child Custody.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 25, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Google to Kill Passwords?

Poison Water at Military Base---They Knew All Along

America to Archive All Tweets

Barclays Bankers Lose Bid to Remain Anonymous over Libor-Fixing Scandal

Big Brother Britain

Communist Party USA Backs Obama

British MP Condemned for Criticizing Israel

David Bellamy Frozen Out of BBC for Warming Skepticism

Davos Calls for $14 Trillion for "Greening Global Economy"

Carbon Prices Crash

Katerina Jeleva Final Trial for Child Custody

Thursday, February 21

Please call Judge Mary Noonan at 801-764-5820 or the Judge's clerk, Wendy Matheney at 801-724-3820 and ask them to "Make the right decision" and "Do the right thing" regarding Case Number 1065414, BEYER VS. JELEVA.

Jan. 24, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 24, 2013:
Obama's Backers Breathe a Sigh,
Keeping the Red Flag Flying High:

"American Taxpayers are All a-Quiver,
For U.S. has Turned into the Giver,
Thanks to Executive Order by Obama,
Bypassing Congress, Saving Drama,
His Global Development Council's Fleecing
Taxpayers and Giving to Nations Seeking
To Upgrade Their Standards of Living,
While Poverty Encompasses Those Giving,
Communist Planks are Doing Well,
As World is Flattened, Going to Hell"
© Alan Watt Jan. 24, 2013

US Supreme Court Considering if Silence can be Evidence of Guilt - Wind Turbine Scam - Gates Foundation-funded Indoctrination - Monsanto Joins Global Agenda 21 Front Group - Anti-Gun Lobby Goes after Bolt-Action Rifles in Australia - Utah Sheriffs' Letter to Obama Regarding Firearms Legislation - Infanrix Vaccine by GSK Kills and Maims Babies - Girl Scouts Working with Planned Parenthood - "The Poor are the Fat Ones" - "Democracy" Forced on Countries - Global Redistribution of Wealth - Outlandish US College Courses - Women in Combat Roles - US Justice Does Not Apply to Banks.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 24, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

US Supreme Court Considering if Silence can be Evidence of Guilt

Ireland to Build Wind Turbines to Power UK Homes

Bill Gates---- Indoctrination Course for Classrooms

Monsanto Joins Global Agenda 21 Front Group

Anti-Gun Lobby Goes after Bolt-Action Rifles in Australia

Washington County. Utah Sheriffs' Letter to Obama Regarding Firearms Legislation

Infanrix Vaccine by GSK Kills and Maims Babies

Girl Scouts Working with Planned Parenthood

British Health Minister says "The Poor are the Fat Ones"

IMF tells Cameron to Consider Plan B

CFR Advocating a Liberal World Order

Obama's New French Economics Adviser has Faith in Redistribution

Outlandish US College Courses

Panetta Opens Combat Roles to Women

British Army Drops Fitness Standards so More Women Can Join

UK Suicide Rate Up

Assistant Attorney General Admits US Justice Does Not Apply to Banks

TV Sex All the Time---Monkey See Monkey Do---Boy 11yrs. old Rapes Girl 6yrs. old

Jan. 23, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 23, 2013:
Change is Good,"Hey Bud, any Food?":
"Ban Ki-moon in Speech States His Position,
World's Going Through "The Great Transition",
Deliberately Vague, Its Meaning Obscure,
For Insiders a Code-Name for The Big Cure,
The Word Democracy, Is The One and Only
System Allowed or You'll Be Bombed and Lonely,
World Bodies to Rule Over Food and Water,
World Army Formed to Finish the Slaughter,
Redistribution of Wealth Means for the Seeker,
First World's Duty to Be "His Brother's Keeper",
The U.N. has Plans to Take Every Dollar,
Until You're in Poverty, Living in Squalor"
© Alan Watt Jan. 23, 2013

Communist-Fascist System - United Nations, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on The Great Transition - Sweden, Carbon Tax on Meat to Reduce "Emissions" - Food Rationing, Quotas to Regions - British Police Officers and Steroids - Soviet EU, Media Councils with Power to Fine or Sack Journalists - Narcolepsy-Swine-flu Vaccination Link - Medical Treatment according to Economic Status - Misdiagnoses on National Health Service - Sperm Count Plummeting - Real Purpose behind Euthanasia Legislation - More on High-Ranking British Paedophiles - Writings of Theo Adorno and Frankfurt School.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 23, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Ban Ki-moon on The Great Transition

& More on Above

Eastern Europe has Freezing Blast

Sweden Mulls Carbon Tax on Meat to Reduce Meat Animals

British Health Minister says "The Poor are the Fat Ones"

British Police Officers and Steroids

& More on Above

Leveson: EU Parliament wants Power to Sack Journalists

GSK Swine Flu Shot and Narcolepsy

More on Narcolepsy-Swine-flu Vaccination Link

Mother Googles Son's Medical Symptoms (Brain Tumour) and Saves Him After Doctor Said he Could Have Migraines

& More on Above

Sperm Count Decline Accelerating

Quebec to Proceed with Euthanasia Legislation for Terminally Ill

Case of Necrophilia in LA Hospital

& More on Above

More on High-Ranking British Paedophiles

Obama's Call for Homosexual Rights Makes History

Jan. 22, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 22, 2013:
Paying the Piper who is Anti-Lifer:
"Tired of the System, Wishing for Another?
Forget It, We've been Conquered by Big Brother,
Multitudes of Changes, All Incremental,
Created a New System, Not Coincidental,
Introduced Stealthily, Inter-Generational,
Pushing the Envelope, Media Conversational,
And Everyone Adapted, New Attitudes, Behaviour,
Promiscuity, Free-Love, Abortion-Clinic-Saviour,
As Life Became Cheaper, Masters Grew Bolder,
Introducing Euthanasia for Those who're Older,
Now Those Getting On in Years Ask What to Do,
Terminator asks "What's so Special About You?"
During the Changes Media Played "Just Have Fun",
Very Few Matured as it All was Being Done"
© Alan Watt Jan. 22, 2013

World Depopulation Agenda - "Mankind is a Plague on the Earth"---David Attenborough - Prince Philip, "Humanity Reaching Plague Proportions" - Paul Ehrlich - Alteration of Public Perception - Japan, Denial of Medical Care to the Elderly - Eradication of Native Populations - Biggest Irish Pro-Life Rally Ever - Britain No Longer Exists - Perpetual War - North Africa and Resources - World Economic Forum in Davos - Profitable Climate Alarmism - Aerial Spraying since 1998 and Health Effects - Open Skies Treaty.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 22, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

"Mankind is a Plague on the Earth"---David Attenborough

The Scientists who "Greened" the BBC

Humanity Reaching Plague Proportions

Elderly are an Unnecessary Drain on the Country's Economy---Japanese Financial Politician

Biggest Irish Pro-Life Rally Ever

Britain No Longer Exists

The Truth on Immigration

Who Are we Fighting Today, Eastasia or Westasia, Mr. Cameron?

Fragile States and Ungoverned Spaces

North Africa---Are Westerners Pulling the Strings

Cameron---North African War Could Last Decades

School Shooting in Houston, Texas

& More on Above

Davos---Business Leaders see No Growth

Child Porn Found on Assistant US Attorney's Computer

Climate Alarmist Charges $10,000 Speaker Fee

Jan. 21, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 21, 2013:
Those who Dare Legally Declare:
"Many Think U.S. uses Same Constitution,
Obama Speech Sounded New Year Resolution,
With Cryptic Phrases, Yet Undefined,
The Old U.S. has Been Undermined,
Socialist Plans Seem to Be Trending,
Beating Recession by More Spending?
Gov. Grows Instead of Getting the Axe,
And Those Still Working to Pay More Tax,
Obama Bathes in the Dawn's Early Light,
America has Fallen with Hardly a Fight"
© Alan Watt Jan. 21, 2013

Long-Term Planning and Goals of Organizations - Influence of Foreign Lobbies on US Gov. Policy - The New Deal - Obama Inauguration and Speech, "Our Journey is Not Complete" - Continuous War and Massive Social Changes - Crisis of "Democracy" - CIA Drone Attacks in Pakistan - Rand Corporation - Predictive Programming through Star Trek Series - World System, Multiculturalism and Free Trade - Britain's International Police Force - Effects of Mass Immigration - Vigil for Life Rally in Ireland - Bill Gates "Doing God's Work" - ADHD Drugs and Stunted Growth - Banks Profiting from Food Speculation - Arthritis in Children - Political Correctness and Taboos - Conditioning and Adaptation.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 21, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Brzezinski Warns Obama on Doing the Will of Lobbyists for Foreign Powers

Obama's New America

Can America be Fixed?

CIA Free Reign on Targeted Killing

Star Trek Series and Predictive Programming

Britain's International Police Force

The Truth on Immigration

& More on Above

Vigil for Life Rally in Ireland

Bill Gates "Doing God's Work"

Boys on ADHD Drugs have Stunted Growth

Brutal Ballet

How Australia Clamps Down on Skeptics

Food Speculation and Profit

Children getting Arthritis at Two Years Old

Jan. 18, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 18, 2013:
Don't Deny Me Intelligent Enquiry:
"Now is the Winter of Our Discontent,
High Prices, Inflation, Disenchantment,
Academia says it's "The Age of Transition"
And All Power Shows Stern Disposition,
Obedience to Authority has become Mandatory,
Questioning it May Cause Your Fatality,
Standardized Education, Standardized Data,
Eliminates Enquiry Sooner or Later,
Because Authorized Answers are There to See,
So I won't Disagree, Nor You with Me,
New Reality Tenets are Chiseled in Stone,
If You're Not a Parrot, Then I'm Not Alone"
© Alan Watt Jan. 18, 2013

World Revolution - Communism - Indoctrination into the New Society - Unique History of the US - Factory Towns - Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and Freedom of Speech - British Commonwealth System - 1960s and the Vietnam War - Project for the New American Century - Gold in Mali - West Point "Combating Terrorism Center" - Far-Right and Far-Left Movements - "Supremacist" Groups and Intelligence Agencies - "New World Order" - Countries Run by Central Banks - Neo-Conservative Movement - States Pulling Rug from Under Obama's Gun Plan - Surveillance State - Anti-Terrorism Laws - Students "Suspected" of Extremism - Panic over Bogus Weather Reports - Destruction of All That Was to Bring in the New.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 18, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Project for the New American Century

Mali, Africa's Third Largest Gold Producer

Understanding America's White Far-Right----West Point "Combating Terrorism Center"

& PDF on Above

States Pulling Rug from Under Obama's Gun Plan

Nottingham University Films Students "Suspected" of Extremism

Crisis Creation ----Training Public to Panic over Nonsensical "Extreme Weather Events" has People Clearing out Stores

The Damage of Rising Porn Addiction

Jan. 17, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 17, 2013:
No Ease from this Disease:
"You Feel It, Smell It, Transition in Action,
Hear it Crawling, Fingernails in Traction,
Its Horde of Worshippers All Excited,
Their Names, Organizations All Invited
To Meet in Person the Lord They Serve,
For Vice, Avarice and Lying They Deserve
To Be Baptized by Their Master,
For Planning, Causing Chaos and Disaster
By Which Their Governance Gains More Power,
The Slaughtered are Bricks for Their Mighty Tower"
© Alan Watt Jan. 17, 2013

Royal Institute for International Affairs / Council on Foreign Relations - "Now is the Time" - US Gun Control, New Laws, Mental Screening and Background Checks - The Scientists who "Greened" the BBC - US Federal Reserve - Brzezinski on Iran - End of Nationalism - Britain's Next Wave of Migrants - Destruction of Cultures - Monopolization by Supermarket Chains - Chemtrails and Geo-Engineering - BBC Creating Suicide Cult with "Comedy" on Assisted Suicide - US Employee Outsources Job to China.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 17, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Obama on Gun Violence---"Now is the Time"

Obama---Now is the Time Speech on Gun Control

The Scientists who "Greened" the BBC

Federal Reserve Made at Least $90 Billion Profit Last Year

Brzezinski on Obama's Foreign Policy

Britain's Next Wave of Migrants

Brutal Britain--the Legacy of a Covert War

Horse Burgers and Chemical Additives

Bill introduced in Alaska Makes it a Misdemeanour for Fed. Employees to Try and Enforce any New Restrictions on Gun Ownership



BBC Creating Suicide Cult with "Comedy" on Assisted Suicide

US Employee Outsources Job to China

Jan. 16, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 16, 2013:
Hell is Repetition:
"Tyranny Marches On, Under Many Guises,
Inflation, Robbery Subsequently Rises,
Collective Punishment Decreed Over All,
As Legislators, Planners Jump On the Ball,
Now What Comes First, Cause or Effect?
Should You Study History, You'll Detect
Similar Plans with Covert Themes,
With Unpopular Agendas, End Justifies Means"
© Alan Watt Jan. 16, 2013

Conquered Countries - Service Economies - Creation of City-States - Detroit, "Commonwealth of Belle Isle" Plan - New York State New Gun Laws - Monckton on the EU, Tyranny, Referendum to Leave EU - The British Empire, War and Soldiers - Executive Actions Obama Plans to take as Part of Anti-Gun Violence Plan - Mental Health Screening - Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children with Autism - Movement of Gold between Banks - Drugging of Children - Horse-meat Found in Beef Burgers in UK and Ireland - New York, Mayor Bloomberg and Restriction of Prescription Painkillers - Prince Charles, Paul Ehrlich and Population Control.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 16, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Floating Ideas for Detroit

Governor Cuomo and New Gun Laws

Monckton on the EU

List of Executive Actions Obama Plans to take as Part of Anti-Gun Violence Plan

Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children with Autism

Bundesbank to Commence Repatriating Gold from New York Fed

Mass Shootings and the Big Pharma Connection

Horse-meat Found in Beef Burgers in UK and Ireland

Mayor Bloomberg who Made Himself a Dietary Health Specialist has Now Made Himself a Doctor in Pain Specialization

Prince Charles Openly Endorses New Draconian Population Study

Jan. 15, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 15, 2013:
All Glory is Gory:
"This Global Agenda Tends to Be Boring,
Years of Study Leaves You Snoring,
Your Head is Full of Documented Facts
Showing All Crises to Be Planned Acts
Towards Societies with Placebo Leaders
Serving their Purpose for the Top Feeders
Who Now Own the World, Pull the Strings,
Knew Years Ago what Tomorrow Brings,
Neuroscientists, Behaviourists, Near Pinnacle,
According to Their Masters, Worked a Miracle,
Conditioning Generations to Be Thick as a Brick,
Obedient and Ignorant, Now There's a Trick"
© Alan Watt Jan. 15, 2013

Initial Indoctrination Essential - Public Trained to Believe in Media - RIIA-CFR - Countries Integrated into Trading Blocs - Buildup of China - Cuba Changes Travel and Migration Policies - Asean Nations and CFR Push for Integration - Canada, Meeting of Native Chiefs - Revolution in Pakistan, Court Orders Arrest of P.M. - Costs of European Parliament - CFR's Global Governance Monitor - The New Global Health Agenda - Met Office and "Global Warming" Fraud - UK "Death Pathway" Quotas and Payments - DEA Raids - China's One Child per Family Policy (Model for the World).
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 15, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Cuba Relaxes Travel Regulations

Asean Nations and CFR Push for Integration

The European Community and the New World Order---Speech by Euro-Commission President from 1992

Canada Native Chiefs Make Voices Heard Ahead of PM Talks

Revolution in Pakistan

How the EU "Parliament" Politburo Live

CFR's Global Governance Monitor

The New Global Health Agenda

Global Trends 2030

Secret papers show extent of senior royals' veto over bills

& More on Above

Has the Met Office Committed Fraud?

UK "Death Pathway" in Shake-up

Obama Admin. Defends DEA Agents who put Gun to Head of 11yr. Old

China's One Child per Family----The Results

Jan. 14, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 14, 2013:
Agenda 21 Spells Nowhere to Run:
"Petty Scandals and Trivia Dominate News,
Preventing Strengthening Study of Views
On Big Happenings, Such as Integration
Of Countries Losing "Status as a Nation",
Financial, Legal, Cultural Interdependence
Will One Day Lead to Sorrowful Repentance
Of the Majority Who'll Live in Global Slums,
No Rural Life Except for Very Rich Bums,
Herd Management by Behavioural Neuroscience,
Masses Drugged, Ragged, No Defiance"
© Alan Watt Jan. 14, 2013

David Bellamy---Views on Climate Change Ended his Career - Daily Weather Modification - Global Dimming - Rogue Nation Could Hijack Globalist Geo-Engineering Schemes - Medical "Ethics" - Testing of Anthrax Vaccine on Children - Hedonism and Self-Infatuation in College Students - Belgium and Euthanasia - Globalization - Ultra-Nationalism in Israel - Polio Vaccine - Greece Bans cash Transactions Again - Creation of Nihilism through Art - Domestication of the Individual.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 14, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

David Bellamy---Views on Climate Change Ended his Career

We've been Subjected to Weather Modification Daily since 1998---Now See This:

Rogue Nation Could Hijack Globalist Geo-Engineering Schemes

& More on Above

Obama Admin. Seeks to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children

College Students and their Inflated Concept of Own Abilities

Belgium and Euthanasia

"Church Tent of Globalization"---White House Advisor
Lauds EU's Strong Accountability (to Whom?)

Israel Recruits Army of Bloggers to Combat Anti-Zionist Sites

Israel Going Ultra-Nationalist

& More on Above

Europe will Ditch Israel Sooner than the US

POLIO: the Virus and the Vaccine
Part 1      Part 2      References

Greece Bans cash Transactions Again

Jan. 11, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 11, 2013:
Brain Down the Drain:
"Toxic Entertainment Gives Some a Flutter,
While Leading Basic Instincts to the Gutter,
Behaviourists Knew Their Science was Power,
Changing Culture Incrementally to Make it Sour,
Weaponizing Entertainment, Each Generation,
Could Be Easily Led to Degradation,
Cultures Strong for Their Own Survival,
Would Decline in Preparation of Arrival
Of the Global Society, All Nations Kaput,
Ruled by Unchanging Minority, Resolute"
© Alan Watt Jan. 11, 2013

Freud, Social-Political Tool of Psychoanalysis and "Sexual Liberation" - Savile---Decades of Abuse, Cover-up - Laws to Lower Age of Consent and Allow Public Nudity - Cultural Degradation - Studies Showing Non-vaccinated Children are Healthier - Polio Vaccine - Young Males Sexually Assaulted in B.C. - Planned Parenthood, Tax-Funded Abortions - CFR on Immigration Reform - Laser Weaponry - Planned Bank "Crash" - Netanyahu's Black Line - NGOs Plot to Legitimize International Criminal Court - NSA "Perfect Citizen" Programme, Spy System.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 11, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Savile---Decades of Abuse

Freud to American Culture "We are Bringing Them the Plague"

U.K.---"Lower the Age of Sexual Consent to Fourteen Years and Allow Public Nudity" say Government "Servants"

Non-vaccinated Children are Healthier

State of Health of Non-Vaccinated Children

POLIO: the Virus and the Vaccine
Part 1      Part 2      References

Cancer Causing Simian-40 Virus

Young Males Sexually Assaulted in B.C.

Planned Parenthood Performed 333,000 Abortions in 2011

US---CFR on Immigration Reform

Laser Weaponry

Bank of America to Pay Fannie Mae Billions over Fraudulent Mortgage Scam

Netanyahu's Black Line

Directed History and Global Institutions -in-Waiting

NSA Monitors Everyone under "Perfect Citizen" Programme

Jan. 10, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 10, 2013:
Politicos to Taxation Honeypot,
"Nation's in Trouble, Give All You've Got":

"We're All Told to Cut Back on Consumption,
Government Needs Taxes to Continue Corruption,
Politicos See Government as Business Enterprise
Where Billions Pay Money so Few can Thrive,
From Insider Trading and Lobbying Graft,
Living Like Kings, "Servants" of Statecraft,
Taxpayers are Seen as a Species Separate,
Whose Function's to Cough Up Cash to the Plate,
Then, Government's Really a Private Corporation
Of Maritime Law Ruling Over the Nation"
© Alan Watt Jan. 10, 2013

European Union Parliament and Bureaucracy - UK, Veteran Banned from Visiting Hospitalized Wife - Holland---"Pee in Shower to Save Water" - Cultural Destruction - Death Gambling Market - Marketing of "Wonder Drugs" - Heritage Pig Farm Embargoed by USDA - Eric Holder and Anti-Gun Campaign - Big Money Steps in to Ban US Firearm Possession - Perception Alteration - Biofuels Racket, Corporations Destroying Food Supply - Council on Foreign Relations - Farce of Government "Serving" the Public - Con of Money.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 10, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

There's Sick and there's more Sick...Then There's the EU

Veteran Banned from Visiting Hospitalized Wife for Complaining of Standards of Care

Holland---"Pee in Shower to Save Water"

Death Gambling--Even Hospital Staff Place Bets

Facts vs. Factions: the Use and Abuse of Subjectivity in Scientific Research

US----Heritage Pig Farm Embargoed by USDA

Eric Holder--"Use Same Techniques on Young that Worked for Anti-Smoking for Anti-Gun Persuasion"

Big Money Steps in to Ban US Firearm Possession

English Example to US "Don't Give Up Your Guns"

Attempt of Male Turning to Appear Female

US Biofuel Industry Destroying Guatemala's Food Supply

Monsanto Surges on Latin America

US---CFR on Immigration Reform

Jan. 9, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 9, 2013:
Careful of the Mind-field:
"It's so Easy to See that with Each Generation
We're Directed by Culture-Changers to Degradation,
Culture Destruction by Fabian-Style Stealth
Is Directed by a Minority Holding the Wealth,
Most Folks Think Warfare is All Field Battles,
Never Thinking of Psychology as Media Prattles,
Slaughter Movies, Reality Shows, Sado-Masochistic,
To the Young and Impressionable is Realistic,
Emulating Fiction World into the Real,
Society Plummets and Flounders, No Even Keel"
© Alan Watt Jan. 9, 2013

Gun Control in US - Politicized Sciences - Socialist System - Atlanta Mother Shot House Intruder - Collective Punishment Laws - Government Debts - Electro-Magnetic Pulse Threat - US EMP Missile Successfully Tested - America and the Totalitarian State - Mandatory ID Cards - Liverpool Care Pathway, Euthanasia to Save Cash - Well-Paid Teachers, Police and Military - Appointment of "Assassination Czar" - Iceland Jails Banksters - Global Warming--Tool of the West - New Meningitis Vaccine Paralyzes at Least 40 Children So Far.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 9, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Atlanta Home Invasion--Video

Atlanta Mother Shot House Intruder

US Gov. Looking for 1 Trillion Dollars in New Taxes

US Official Says Canada under EMP Threat

US EMP Missile Successfully Tested

America and the Totalitarian State

Liverpool Care Pathway: A Way of Death Worth Fighting For?

Police in London in Post Offices as Scotland Yard axes 65 Stations

Obama Appoints First Ever (Disclosed) Assassination Czar

Iceland Jails Banksters

Global Warming--Tool of the West

New Meningitis Vaccine Paralyzes at Least 40 Children So Far

Jan. 8, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 8, 2013:
Dysfunction's About from Marxist Fallout:
""Experts" on Violence Continue to Prattle,
While Jails are Busting, Chain-Gangs Rattle,
No-One Condemns Entertainment for Dysfunction,
Slaughter Movies Galore Cause much Destruction
As is Intended, Culture's Been Pulverized
By Experts, Leaving Parents Demoralized,
The New Normalcy Given by Agents of State
Because Old Culture Revolutionaries Hate,
It Prevented Them from Complete Domination,
But That was Then, They're the Abomination"
© Alan Watt Jan. 8, 2013

World Disarmament - Media Entertainment Violence and its Effect on Youngsters - Destruction of the Family Unit - New Morality given by the State - Scientific Indoctrination - Why Americans Cannot Discipline Their Children - Role of Psychiatry - Mass Shootings and Psychiatrists - Geothermal Testing, Fracking and Earthquakes - US Military Spending on Pharmaceutical Drugs - Genetically-Modified Salmon - The Permanent War Economy - New UK Eugenics Laboratory. Book of Genesis, Adam, Creation of Man and Woman. Names of Revolutionaries.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 8, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Media Entertainment Violence and its Effect on Youngsters

Why Americans Cannot Discipline Their Children

French Psychiatrist Sentenced after Failing to Prevent Patient Murdering 80yr. old Man

Energy Company Creates Miniature Earthquakes in Oregon

Top Vaccine Pioneer Discusses Cancer Virus in Vaccines

US--Soaring Cost of Military Trooper-Drugging Could Hurt Budget

First GM Salmon Ready for the Table

Human Genes Engineered into Rice Growing in Kansas

The Overlooked Costs of the Permanent War Economy: A Market Process Approach

New Genetics Lab. in UK is a Cover for Eugenics Programme

Directed History and Global Institutions -in-Waiting

Jan. 7, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 7, 2013:
The Squeaky Wheel:
"A Powerful Lobby Group Always Knows
Political Decisions Follow Money Flows,
Democracy, a System for Powerful Minorities
To Direct Policy Over Silent Majorities,
From Treaties to Such "Special Relationships",
Powerful Nations Used, "Tied at the Hips",
To Fight Others' Wars Leaving Nation Confused
And Puzzled Over Why They're Being Used,
Yes the Most Powerful Lobby Wins with Ease,
Because The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease"
© Alan Watt Jan. 7, 2013

Central Banking System under BIS - Basel Meeting, New Bank Liquidity and Asset Rules - Cyborg Ads for Phone - Council on Foreign Relations - Nomination of Chuck Hagel - US Gun Proposals and Psychological Testing - "Green" Indoctrination in Scotland - US Drone Strikes - Depopulation Agenda - India, Mobile Sterilization Vans in Rural Areas - National Deconstruction - Welfare States - Migrants Flooding France.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 7, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

New Bank Liquidity Rules, Global

"Global Regulators" in Basel Agree on New Bank Asset Rules

Cyborg Ads for Phone

& More on Above

CFR Unhappy with Mr. Hagel---"Mr. Hagel and the Jews"

Pro-Israel Group goes into Action Against Hagel

Obama Names Hagel and Brennan to Lead Pentagon and CIA

US Gun Proposals Too Extreme

CFR on Gun-Control

"Green" Indoctrination in Scotland

Obama Admin. Allowed to Remain Silent over Drone Programme

India--Sterilization Safaris meet with Resistance

Migrants Flooding France

Jan. 4, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 4, 2013:
American Dream to Primal Scream:
"Lightning Changes toward "The Planned Society"
Where the Peasants Work with Humble Piety,
Serving "The Greater Good", Brotherhood of Man,
Following Future Carrot-Utopian Master-Plan,
Of Course it's Psychological Warfare on Majority,
Already Conquered by a New Dominant Minority
Which by Creating Crises, Both Fictional and Real,
They Disrupt Logic and Memory Which They Steal,
Keeping the Frightened Herd Stampeded,
Breaking Culture, Staffing New Departments Needed
To Rule Over the Chaos They Create
In Order to Brutally Rule Over Those They Hate,
Bombarding Victims with Pavlovian Barrage,
From News Anchors and Politicos, Good Camouflage"
© Alan Watt Jan. 4, 2013

Soviet System - Russia, Bolshevik Revolution and Disarmament, Executions and Forced Starvation - Paramilitary Police - West Delists Terror Organization for Use against Iran - Renditions Continue under Obama - Green Movement - Con of "Climate Change" and Wind Farms - Pharmaceutical Drugs Tested on Indian Peasantry - Africa, Polio Outbreak after Vaccinations - Behavioural Scripts from Hollywood - Rewiring of Human Biology for Depopulation - Zbigniew Brzezinski on Iran - Normalization of Paedophilia, Use of Neuroscience - Destruction of the Cultures of the West - Rompuy, EU-Russia Summit and Global Governance - UK Embassy in Kabul Orifice Scanners.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 4, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Pravda Warns US to "Never Give up Your Guns"

Dianne Feinstein is Armed

West Delists Terror Organization for Use against Iran

Renditions Continue under Obama

Oxford Professor--"Greens in Denial"

Wind Farms Slaughtering Birds

211 People Die in Drug Trials in India

Baywatch "Star" Speaks at TEDX Conference Calling for Total Rewiring of Human Biology to Have only One-Child Families

Zbigniew Brzezinski wants Iran to be Key Topic at Senate Hearings

Project for the New American Century

Paedophilia ---Incremental Normalization

Female Teachers on SSRI Drugs Having Affairs with Minors

Canada and Paedophilia Laws

EU and Russia for Global Governance-

Spain Plunders Own Social Security Fund to Buy its Own Debt from Global Shysters

UK Embassy in Kabul uses Electronic Chair for Visitors---Digital Orifice Scanner

Jan. 3, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 3, 2013:
Television, Mightier than the Sword,
Enslaves You to Your New Overlord:

"Conquered Peoples Knew They Were So,
Yet with Modern Techniques You Have to Go
Outside and Then Start to Look In,
And You're Overwhelmed at Where to Begin,
As You See the Dysfunction, Rampant, Rotten,
Meaningless Symbols of Culture Forgotten,
Confused, Scared People Still Complying
To Alien Authority Using Sanitized Lying,
Neuroscience, Using Neurolinguistics,
Repeated Slogans and Bogus Statistics,
Calculated Meme Bombs Set the Trend,
Guiding Herd of Humanity to Its End"
© Alan Watt Jan. 3, 2013

Destruction of Cultures - Free Trade and Binding Treaties - International Mafia - Politics and Compromise - Mass Management - Britain's Foreign Criminals - Britain Subsidizing Homes of Foreigners - Socialism, Continual Monitoring, System of Punishment and Reward - "Fiscal Cliff", U.S. Federal Budget and Tax Credits - Alaska Cooling - "Deportation" of the Elderly - Drugging of Children - Weather Modification and the Arctic - Jailing Americans for Profit - North Carolina Emergency Preparedness Drill.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 3, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Britain's Foreign Criminals

Britain Subsidizing Homes of Foreigners

Obese Benefit Claimants Told to Exercise or Lose Cash

Fiscal Cliff (Pork) Notes

Alaska Headed for Ice Age?

Euro Countries "Deporting" Elderly

Have You Drugged Your Kids Today

Geoengineering Watch

Jailing Americans for Profit

"Closeted Homosexuals Spread Aids to Heterosexuals"--Lil' Scrappy

NCCU Tests Emergency Preparedness

Jan. 2, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 2, 2013:
Entertainment Zoo is Destroying You:
"The Most Effective War You'll Ever Find
Is the Scientific War Declared On the Mind,
It's All-Pervasive, Even in Novels
Read in the Third World by People in Hovels,
Designed by Academicians, Cerebral Vultures,
Weaponized to Destroy All Strong Cultures,
In First World Nations it's Left Devastation,
More Effective than A-Bombs Dropped on a Nation,
Leaving Abortion Factories, Debt, Welfare State,
Turned Stable Families to Dysfunction and Hate,
Behaviourists Work to Bring this Derangement,
Be Alert When Watching or Ignore Entertainment"
© Alan Watt Jan. 2, 2013

Global Warming Scam - Cultural War - Pakistan Heading back to the IMF - The War for Your Mind - System of Money, Debt and Slavery - Psychological Operations - Ad Hominem Attacks - Weaponized Entertainment - Population Media Center - Radio and Soap Operas for Depopulation - Deindustrialization of the West and Austerity - Memes and Slogans - Destruction of Small Business - Standardized Media - CFR on Global Governance, US, China and Iran - Frankfurt School and Psychiatry - Elimination of "Bad Genes".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 2, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Greenland Closes Year with Some of the Coldest Weather Ever Recorded

Pakistan ---Heading-back-to-the-IMF

How to Win the War for Your Mind

Weaponizing Entertainment for Behaviour Modification

& More on Above

Aussie Carbon Tax Responsible for Damaging 80% of Small Business

CFR on Global Governance 2013

CFR on World Government

& More on Above

Geneticists at it Again--Studying Lanza's Genetic Code

Feinstein to Introduce Updated Firearms Bill

Click Here for Nov. - Dec. 2012